Tuesday 10 April 2007

3 more days

3 more days to enlistment to national service

wanna thank alot of people... my hao jie mei wai seen.... friends like Neil... and many many more to be named... thanks for like talking to me, advising me and stuff. Really appreciate everything.

Im actually looking forward to NS.... The adventure, thrill, and lessons that are never taught in classrooms.... it will be great. But i gonna miss my friends, family and most importantly my dearest laopo =(

Gonna worry if she had taken good care of herself or not and stuff like this.

Just wanna say.... Jiayou laopo~! You can do it! I believe you can, have faith in yourself and work hard! You are the best. Make full use of your potential.

Now at her house using her computer to update my blog and friendster and stuff.... stupid computer at home is spoiled. sighs.

alright... update sometime soon. love everybody! Esply my dearest sweetie =)

1 comment:

incognito said...

hope u managing well in ns